Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Medicago gladiata, Telis gladiata, Xiphostylis
Meaning:- Trigonella (L) Triangle, the perianth seen from the front.
Gladiata (L) Sword-like.
General description:- Ascending to erect annual, sparingly branched from the
1) 5-25 cm, somewhat patent-pilose.
1) Leaflets, oblanceolate to nanowly obtriangular, dentate at the apex.
2) Stipules, small, free part triangular, acute, herbaceous.
1) Flowers, sessile in the leaf axils, solitary or occasionally paired.
2) Pedicels, c. 0·5 mm.
3) Calyx tube, c. 3 mm, narrowly campanulate.
a) teeth, subequal, linear-lanceolate, equalling the tube pubescent with subpatent
4) Corolla, 7-9 mm, cream, often with lilac stripes on the back of the standard.
1) Legume, 15-40 x 3-7 mm. (excluding the beak). erect or patent, seed-bearing
part broadly linear, compressed, c. 30 x 5 mm, ± hirsute, slightly curved,
tapering to a straight beak.
a) beak, 15-25 mm.
3) Seeds, 2-6. c. 3·5 mm, ovoid, tuberculate.
Key features:-
1) Leaflets. 5-12 x 3-8 mm.
2) Corolla. 8-9 mm.
3) Legume. straight; (excluding beak) 15-40 mm.
a) beak 15-25 mm.
4) Seeds, ovoid, tuberculate.
Habitat:- Rocky slopes with dry open shrubby vegetation, mixed scrub and dry
grassland, olive groves, vineyards, field margins, 0-1100 m.
Distribution:- Scattered throughout Greece. - Mediterranean area and through
Anatolia to Caucasia. Fairly rare on Crete, currently known only from afew location
in the south-west
Flowering time:- Late March to early June.
Photo by:- A. N. Other